Sunday, 1 April 2012

Vitamin B12 Information

vitamin b12
About vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin):

In 1934 year two Harvard doctors George Maykott and William P. Murphy was awarded with Nobel prize for discovery therapeutic properties of vitamin b12.
Cyanocobalamin play an extraordinarily important role in the proper functioning of the nervous system, affecting thus the work of all organs.
If the body lacks vitamin B12, it also leads to a deficiency of vitamin B1, even when seemingly in the diet it enough.
And this leads to frustration, not only the nervous system, and endocrine glands, brain disease beriberi (polyneuritis), disruption of the digestive system.
Vitamin b12 involved in hematopoiesis regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body. With his lack of in organism developing anemia.
This vitamin is actively involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, in close cooperation with vitamin C, folic and pantothenic acids.
For our healthy nerves and we were fully prepared to everyday stress, vitamin B12 helps billion molecules of folic acid in the development of choline.
It also revives the reserves of iron in our body, which is usually not enough.
Finally, in conjunction with other substances, vitamin B12 runs basic life process - the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic and ribonucleic acids.
It is proteins that make up the cell nucleus and which contain all the genetic information.

How much vitamin B12 is necessary for our body?

The minimum daily dosage of 3 mcg. Even if we eat very little meat, milk and eggs, we give the body to about 15 mcg cyanocobalamin.
Only pure vegetarians orpeople at strong diet are at risk to remain without it.
However, the body is the "intrinsic factor", which promotes the formation of the vitamin.

What about vitamin B12 and weight loss?

According to recent reports, vitamin B12 deficiency also leads to a lack of carnitine.
It catches the substance in the blood fat molecules and transports them to the mitochondria - "power plants" of cells, where they are oxidized to give energy throughout the body.
Without carnitine content of decomposition products in the blood rises as oil remains untreated.

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